In the universe of the Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-Ohki continuity, there have been at least two Earths and possibly other planets that are modeled after the first Earth. Other dimensions may also have planets similar to Earth.
Also see: Earth, on Wikipedia.
Dual Earth[]
The first Earth (or two Earths) is the setting for Dual! Parallel Trouble Adventure, which follows events which actually occur roughly a billion years prior to the main timeline of Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-Ohki. The story dealt with parallel universes with two Earths that were combined to create one, this first Earth was the home planet of what would become the Great Prehistoric Civilization, which eventually seeded the galaxy so humanity would develop on planets throughout the galaxy in the future. They were also able to seed cultural aspects to a certain degree, so certain foods and and items would survive for millions of generations to come.
This seeding was apparently so sophisticated that they could even seed a proto-planet in such a way that the entire planet would develop to look like the Earth. In the case of the Earth of Tenchi Muyo, the two appear to have been functionally identical in shape and culture.
Photon’s Earth[]
The “Sandy Planet,” from Photon: The Idiot Adventures, which became known as “Green Planet” was also referred to as “Earth” at one point in the series, and eventually became known as Geminar. After the Anti-Ahou Generator was activated, the planet was shown turning from a desert planet to a mostly green planet and the globe was shown to be identical to Earth. The main character of the series also had the full name “Photon Earth.”
The Earth of Tenchi Muyo[]
Presumably, it took almost the entire billion years after its seeding for the Earth of Tenchi Muyo to develop into a functionally identical planet to the one in Dual. At one point in the Tenchi Muyo! GXP novels, it is even said that the entire Sol solar system is functionally identical to the solar system of the Earth from Dual.
At some point in the distant past, Masaki, the sister of the First Emperor of Jurai, arrived and secretly settled on Earth. She registered the planet as a colony of Jurai but fixed it so the registration would only be activated when another alien race was to arrive.
During the Shōka Era in Japan, The Shank Pirate Guild landed on Earth with the goal of kidnapping humans for slave labor. This landing activated the registration so, when the future Emperor, Azusa Masaki Jurai, happened to arrive there, he came to the aid of those being persecuted. There he met one of Misaki’s direct descendants, Funaho, who he would take as his First Empress. A generation later, their son, Yosho, would return to the same area (which would become Okayama Prefecture), establishing the Masaki Shrine, Masaki Village and the bloodline that would eventually produce Tenchi Masaki.
While still under the protection of Jurai, Earth also ended up being included in the territory of a newly created galactic Pirate Nation made up of the vestiges of the pirate guilds defeated by Seina Yamada. Thanks to the events of Paradise War, it even became a sort of neutral capital of the new mini-federation. However, the planet itself is not developed enough to be allowed a seat in the larger Galaxy Federation and its status is kept secret from its inhabitants. Earth’s proxy leaders are Shou Kukoma and Miron Pham. Parts of the Pirate Nation that are not happy with this situation have tried to invade the Earth and take over, but were initially turned away by Shou and the other proxy warriors of the various pirate factions and later have also been protected by the households of Tenchi and Seina.
There is also a faction of Earth inhabitants that does know of the existence of the aliens on the planet and of its stature (Miron Pham had previously reported to them). This group tried to capture Tabletop Island, the home base of the proxy governments of the Pirate Nation and Galaxy Federation, but were easily turned away by Tenchi, Seina, and Shou.
- There is also a planet in the Renza Federation known as Terra (another name used for our Earth) that was most likely a previous capital planet of the Great Prehistoric Civilization. Not much is known of this planet, but it is known as a planet with an Earth-like ecology and may be another planet in the Galaxy modeled after the first Earth.