Magical Girl Pretty Sammy is the third volume of the No Need For Tenchi! manga series, written and drawn by Hitoshi Okuda. Two chapters are stories set in the universe of the OVA series, Magical Girl Pretty Sammy, they are not part of the continuing story of the manga series.
From the back cover of the Viz Graphic Novel:
In a heartwarming take on the ancient tale of Daniel removing the thorn from the lion's paw, soft-hearted Sasami comes to the aid of a savage wolf. Then, in a tragic-comic story, jealousies flare when Tenchi's cute childhood girlfriend puts Ryoko and Ayeka through their paces to see who is more worthy of his affections. The emotional rollercoaster continues with an alternate-reality storyline in which little Sasami transforms into a superheroine who fights for truth, justice, and the Japanese way!
In the English graphic novels, each chapter is numbered and preceded with the phrase "Tales of Tenchi." However, each volume restarts the numbering, replicating the number of each of the comic books as originally published by Viz.
Wolf at the Door: Part One
Wolf at the Door: Part Two
The Way We Were: Part One
The Way We Were: Part Two
Magical Girl Pretty Sammy: Part One
A unique story to the manga.
Magical Girl Pretty Sammy: Part Two
A unique story to the manga.